Domestic Abuse

Concerning Domestic Abuse

If you are seeking protection of the Court or are facing legal proceedings concerning domestic abuse, JCS solicitors are there for you. 

What is domestic abuse? 

Domestic abuse is defined by the Government as: “any incident of threatening behaviour, abuse or violence. This covers psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.”

Domestic abuse has many forms, the most obvious ones being physical abuse: things like punching, slapping, grabbing, pushing, hair pulling or non-consensual sexual activity. Domestic abuse is not always physical, it can take other forms. It can include threats, intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse, verbal insults, emotional abuse (dominating and controlling relationships), stalking and financial deprivation. 

Domestic abuse cuts across all boundaries of gender, social demographics, race, religion, and lifestyle. It can affect anyone. Abuse can also take place between family members. Domestic abuse can also cause and put at risk children in the household. When this happens there needs to be procedures and practices put in place to tackle this effectively.
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Domestic Abuse & Injunctions

Worryingly, relationships and their breakdown can involve or result in domestic violence. Domestic violence is not just physical, it can be emotional and/or psychological.

There are a range of remedies when this happens from a step as simple as calling the Police and going to a safe place to various court injunctions. Such injunctions can force the removal of the perpetrator from the property they share with the victim and/or require them to stay away and not intimidate, pester or harass the victim.

We have you at heart, concerning any domestic abuse

The team at JCS Solicitors can act quickly in seeking the Court’s protection from harm or responding to allegations of harm made by someone against you.

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